GenAI ServiceNow Developer
Diverse Lynx
Perkasie, PAPosted 7 days ago
Role: GeAI ServiceNow Developer Locatio: Philadelphia, PA Experiece: 6-8 Year Duratio: 12+ Moths Role Descriptio:
- Participate i the developmet of busiess requiremets esurig a thorough uderstadig of busiess eeds ad processes
- Develop ad implemet AI-drive automatio solutios withi the ServiceNow platform.
- Coceptualize, desig, code, ad test ServiceNow solutios that deliver ew system capabilities, system ehacemets or defects
- Collaborate with stakeholders to gather requiremets ad traslate them ito techical specificatios ad AI-drive solutios.
- Desig, cofigure, ad maitai custom ServiceNow applicatios ad itegratios, focusig o automatio.
- Utilize Geerative AI techologies to automate processes, such as workflow optimizatio, aomaly detectio, ad predictive aalytics.
- Coduct thorough testig ad validatio of AI models ad ServiceNow cofiguratios to esure reliability ad performace.
- Troubleshoot ad resolve techical issues related to the Automatio Module ad AI itegratios.
- Provide guidace ad best practices for itegratig GeAI with ServiceNow automatio processes.
- Stay curret with the latest advacemets i AI, machie learig, ad ServiceNow techologies, ad apply this kowledge to cotiuously improve solutios Diverse Lyx LLC is a Equal Employmet Opportuity employer. All qualified applicats will receive due cosideratio for employmet without ay discrimiatio. All applicats will be evaluated solely o the basis of their ability, competece ad their prove capability to perform the fuctios outlied i the correspodig role. We promote ad support a diverse workforce across all levels i the compay.
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Diverse Lynx Ratings
Rating: 4.7 Reviews: 88
Rating: 4.7 Reviews: 88
Rating: 4.2 Reviews: 346
Rating: 4.2 Reviews: 346
Rating: 3.9 Reviews: 282
Rating: 3.9 Reviews: 282
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